Think about how much time you spend worrying each day. Has any of that worrying
ever accomplished anything positive in your life?
Imagine what you could do with all of that time and energy. Imagine how much
happier and comfortable you would be if you could minimize amount of time you
spend worrying each day.
Worrying is a habit that we believe is helpful in some way, but it's easy to see that
worrying only has a negative effect.
Worry less and live more with these strategies:
1. Put your worries in perspective. Think of the big picture. Your problems aren’t as dire as you think. Enjoy your life while you can.
2. Expect good things to happen. You can’t worry if you expect a positive
outcome. When you assume things will turn out poorly, it’s natural to worry. Be
as prepared for the worst as you can but be optimistic. Your worry isn’t going to
change anything.
3. Understand what is and isn’t under your control. We spend a lot of time
worrying about things we can’t change. What’s the point? Do what you can to
mitigate your risk and then see what happens. Let go of the things you can’t
You can’t control most of the things you worry about any more than you
can control the weather or the tides.
4. Stay grounded in the present moment. Pay attention to what you’re doing
right now. Avoid thinking about tomorrow. Make the best use of your time each
moment and the future will take care of itself.
5. Have gratitude. When you realize how much you have and how lucky you are,
the future isn’t as scary. You’ll worry less if you remind yourself of how good your life is already.
Gratitude is a habit. Take a moment each day and mentally list the things that you’re grateful for. This can do more to enhance your perspective than you think.
6. Avoid isolating yourself. Life is harder to manage all alone. It’s not reasonable
to assume you can do everything by yourself. It’s also less stressful to have a
few friends in your corner. Avoid isolating yourself just because you’re
stressed. Your stress will only increase. Stay in touch with others.
7. Remind yourself of your past worries. You’ve worried about a lot of things over
the course of your life. How many of them actually came true? Of those that did,
how bad was it? You’ll likely discover that most of your worry was inaccurate.
Most of the things we worry about never happen. And even if they do, it’s
not nearly as awful as we anticipate.
Any time spent worrying is wasted time. If there's something you can do to resolve
the situation, just fix it. Life is short and worrying detracts greatly from life. Work to
minimize the amount of time you spend worrying each day. You'll enjoy life more and
be more successful. Click here to learn more.